
Apologetics Conferences (April 2024)

If you are looking for apologetics resources and networking opportunities, here are two organizations to be aware of.

Last weekend, I was down at the 2024 annual conference of the International Society of Christian Apologetics (ISCA), hosted this year at Fields Church in Carlsbad, California. There were presentations/papers from Dr. Phil Fernandes, Dr. Bill Roach, Dr. Joseph Holden, Dr. Jason Crowder, and others. “The purpose of the Society is to foster scholarly discussion of ideas among evangelical scholars relevant to the defense of the historic Christian Faith in accordance with the Doctrinal Statement of the Society.” They place a particular emphasis on defending biblical inerrancy, per the Chicago Statement.

Videos from the 2023 conference are available from their website (

If you are in the Seattle area, the 2024 annual Worldview Apologetics Conference is Friday, April 19 (7p–10p), and Saturday, April 20 (9a–5:30p) at Crossroads Bible Church in Bellevue, Washington. Speakers include Dr. Doug Geivett, Dr. Frank Turek, Dr. Gary Habermas, and others. I’ll have a table there with books available.

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