The Book

“The Book” is now available!

This is my first published book and I have to admit to feeling more than a little giddy with excitement. I’ve been quite distracted over the last couple weeks, as the typesetting was finished, then the cover design, and now the book is available through Christianbook, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Wipf and Stock, and other fine book-sellers! Ebook versions are also now available at select book-sellers, including Logos. For an aspiring new author like me, Wipf and Stock has been a very pleasant publisher to work with. They picked the cover art, and I am quite fond of the “Inspiration of Matthew” painting from Caravaggio, from 1602.

Here’s a link to the back cover summary and endorsements for “The Book.” And the table of contents is below. I hope that you will enjoy it!

I’d certainly appreciate those who might be inclined towards submitting a book review to your favorite journal!

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