Family Bibles and Bible Handbooks

Bible Knowledge and Bible History Handbooks

Another type of publication which targeted the Christian public and likewise conveyed an early date for Matthew were Bible Knowledge and Bible History Handbooks.

This first one was a Catholic publication, written in 1927 by the archbishop in Milwaukee, which largely drew from a work in German.

B. IN PARTICULAR. 1. St. Matthew, also called Levi, son of Alpheus, was, before his call to the Apostleship, a sub-collector of taxes for the Romans on Lake Tiberias. He wrote his Gospel about A. D. 41/42, chiefly for the Palestinian Jews converted to Christianity; hence he wrote in Aramaic (Chaldean), the language of the country.

Sebastian G. Messmer, ed., Outlines of Bible Knowledge, 2nd ed. (Breslau, Germany: Herder, 1927), 124–125.

A similar publication from a pastor with the Methodist Episcopal Church, written in 1890 and using a Q & A format, was for the benefit of young adults, .

14. When did St. Matthew write his Gospel ?

Ans. It was probably written about A. D. 42.

L. F. Young, Studies in Bible and Church History and Doctrines: Prepared for the Use of Epworth Leagues (Cincinnati, OH: Cranston and Stowe, 1890), 37.

And here is an excerpt from an earlier (1822) history of the Bible:

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